Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Trash to Treasure

This is my latest furniture make over.  I found this beauty at Goodwill for $7.00.  I thought it would make a perfect ottoman/ coffee table.  I added wood to the top and bottom (I found pieces in Home Depo's scrap bin spent $1.00 on wood), a little foam, fabric and buttons, now it is no longer trash.  I think it needs some baskets or boxes on the lower shelf. I'll keep my eyes open for some.


Anonymous said...

Can you tell me more details about how you made the cushion? I have a table exactly like that.
Is yours sturdy enough to actually sit on? I am not sure my table is that strong (found it on the curb/in the trash).

Unknown said...

I would also love some more detail on the putting this little beauty together. I love to up-cycle and repurpose but I'm not really very creative at all. However, I can follow instructions.