I have resorted to bribery. Tyler has been a little pill lately. Maybe it's just me but three year olds are harder to handle than two year olds. About once a week we go to the mall to burn some energy. We always go in the toy store. Tyler loves to look at the all the toys. He desperately wants another Spider-Man toy (like he doesn't have enough action figures already). I decided to use his desire to my advantage. So I made a chart and if Tyler is good all day he gets a sticker, when he gets 8 stickers he gets the Spider-Man toy. Bribery has been working pretty good so far. Tyler isn't fighting me when I ask him to brush his teeth, and bed time has been much easier as well. There haven't been as many temper tantrums and Tyler's been in fewer fights with Jack. I don't know how long this will last, but for the time being it's pretty nice.